Use "riverbed|riverbeds" in a sentence

1. Side, anchored in the riverbed ropes dampen fluctuations.

2. That pass the dry season Aestivating in the riverbed [9]

3. A relationship is established between riverbed deformation and ice accumulation.

4. Riverbeds contain very coarse alluvial deposits of sand, gravel and boulders.

5. Small farms produced poor, stunted crops, and riverbeds were just damp.

6. A successful Autorotation was performed to a dry riverbed.

7. Thus, the city’s chief defense was turned into a relatively dry riverbed.

8. Rocks and boulders were strewn along the riverbed far below the road.

9. Out of the riverbed, they climb; into the city, they enter.

10. Unfederatively coenla racemosely chanfrin riverbed Tiersten Bogydom Stambaugh cevitamic semierect vivendi

11. After crossing the dry riverbed, the men kept on “speaking as they walked.”

12. Joshua also sets up 12 stones where the priests had stood in the riverbed.

13. Key words: deformation of riverbed, evolution of frazil jam, frazil jam, suspended load, sediment concentration.

14. What does Alluvium mean? Sediment deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, flood plain, or delta

15. His warriors were ready to slosh up the riverbed as soon as the water level sank sufficiently.

16. The thick hide of its belly is a real advantage as short-legged Behemoth drags its body over stones in riverbeds.

17. The Bunyip, or kianpraty, is a large mythical creature from Aboriginal mythology, said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes

18. As the water level sank, his army sloshed along the riverbed, with water up to their thighs.

19. The conquering armies then marched through the riverbed, gaining access to the city through the gates along the quay.

20. During the winter, rainfall fills the channel, and springs along the riverbed add to the flow.

21. Two massive piers, containing over 70,000 tons of concrete, were sunk into the riverbed to support the construction.

22. It is the only château of the Loire Valley to have been built directly in the Loire riverbed.

23. Mouvement au Courant asked that the proponent prevent any encroachment of the riverbed by the access road.

24. A more applicable Adsorbent was fabricated using industrial wastes such as red mud, fly ash, and riverbed sediments

25. Fontsanta Park is a Conglomeration of imaginative public spaces grafted on to the dried-up riverbed of the former Fontsanta River

26. When the Medes and the Persians marched down the riverbed, they gained easy access to Babylon through the gates along the river.

27. A Cofferdam was constructed and extensive excavation and investigation of the riverbed occurred before the second abutment on the northwestern side could be sited.

28. The white-Blotched river stingray has a distinctive pattern of white dots on a black background, helping it blend into its riverbed habitat

29. They followed the Black Hawks' initial flight path but landed at a predetermined point on a dry riverbed in a wide unpopulated valley in northwest Pakistan.

30. — Jon Blau, Indianapolis Star, 8 June 2020 So while the water belongs to the people, the riverbed does not, and ranchers can, and frequently do, run Barbwire across the water

31. Then his army sloshed down the riverbed, climbed the slope leading to the wall, and entered the city easily because the copper gates had been left open.

32. Chosan to Linjiang in the middle, a large number of riverbed silt alluvial soil, winter shallow In some areas, and even down under the raft can not be passed.

33. At the foot of the slope, the soils developed on terraces made of ancient alluvial deposits and on the ‘montilles’ — small hillocks formed by recent alluvial deposits in the main riverbed — are permeable and sandy-gravelly.

34. For 130 years, log driving, forestry operations, dam building, the channelling of waterways, shore erosion and the accumulation of wood on lake bottoms and riverbeds have worked many changes on the original habitats of La Mauricie National Park.

35. Tapirs near a water source will swim, sink to the bottom, and walk along the riverbed to feed, and have been known to submerge themselves under water to allow small fish to pick parasites off their bulky bodies.

36. The Bunyip is a mythical creature from Australian mythology.It is said to live in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes.The Bunyip is found in traditional aboriginal beliefs and stories from many parts of Australia, although it is called by several different names in different language groups

37. The Bunyip is a mythical creature — a lake monster — from Australian folklore; the word itself means “devil” or “spirit.” According to Aboriginal legend, the bloodthirsty Bunyip inhabited swamps, riverbeds, billabongs (the stagnant backwaters of a river), and even wells, and lay in wait at night to devour any animal or person lurking nearby — although it was said to have

38. For something off the Beaten track, consider staying at the moderately priced T Lazy 7 Ranch on Maroon Bells Road the house was way off the Beaten track on a dead-end road that could have passed for a riverbed she works in a rural area off the Beaten track The house is sufficiently off the Beaten track to deter all but a few tourists IF you enjoy exploring off the Beaten track, Sunmed is